第 5 章. FreeBSD 文档构建流程

本章介绍文档构建流程的组织方式以及如何使用 make(1) 来控制它。

5.1. 将 AsciiDoc 渲染成输出

可以从单个 AsciiDoc 源文件生成不同类型的输出。




一个 articlebook 章节。






电子出版物。ePub 文件格式。

5.1.1. 渲染到 html

要将文档和网站渲染到 html,请使用以下示例之一。

示例 1. 构建文档
% cd ~/doc/documentation
% make
示例 2. 构建网站
% cd ~/doc/website
% make
示例 3. 构建整个文档项目
% cd ~/doc
% make -j2


示例 4. 使用详细和调试消息构建英语和西班牙语文档
% cd ~/doc/documentation
% make DOC_LANG="en es" HUGO_ARGS="--verbose --debug"
示例 5. 使用 Hugo 的内部 Web 服务器构建和提供内容
% cd ~/doc/documentation
% make run

此 Web 服务器默认在 localhost1313 端口上运行。

要使用 Hugo 的内部 Web 服务器提供内容并绑定特定的 IP 地址和端口

% make run BIND= HUGO_ARGS="-p 8080"

还可以将 主机名 设置为 Hugo 内部 Web 服务器的基本 URL

% make run BIND= HOSTNAME=example.com
示例 6. 构建用于离线使用的 html 文档
% cd ~/doc/documentation
% make html

要压缩 html 输出,请添加 DOC_HTML_ARCHIVE=1

% cd ~/doc/documentation
% DOC_HTML_ARCHIVE=1 make html

5.1.2. 渲染到 pdf

要将文档渲染到 pdf,请使用以下示例之一。

示例 7. 构建所有 pdf 文档
% cd ~/doc/documentation
% make pdf
示例 8. 构建所有 pdf 文章
% cd ~/doc/documentation
% make pdf-articles
示例 9. 构建所有 pdf 图书
% cd ~/doc/documentation
% make pdf-books
示例 10. 为特定语言构建 pdf 文档
% cd ~/doc/documentation
% make DOC_LANG="en" pdf

这将构建所有英语 pdf 文档。

% cd ~/doc/documentation
% make DOC_LANG="en fr" pdf-books

这将构建所有英语和法语 pdf 图书。

5.2. FreeBSD 文档构建工具集

这些是用于构建和安装 FDP 文档的工具。

  • 主要构建工具是 make(1),特别是 Berkeley Make。

  • Hugo

  • AsciiDoctor

  • Git

5.3. 了解文档树中的 Makefile

有三个 Makefile 文件用于构建部分或全部文档项目。

  • documentation 目录中的 Makefile 将只构建文档。

  • website 目录中的 Makefile 将只构建网站。

  • 树顶部的 Makefile 将构建文档和网站。

出现在子目录中的 Makefile 也支持 make run 以使用 Hugo 的内部 Web 服务器提供构建的内容。此 Web 服务器默认在 1313 端口上运行。

5.3.1. 文档 Makefile

Makefile 采用以下形式

# Generate the FreeBSD documentation
# Copyright (c) 2020-2021, The FreeBSD Documentation Project
# Copyright (c) 2020-2021, Sergio Carlavilla <[email protected]>
# Targets intended for use on the command line
# all (default)	-	generate the books TOC and compile all the documentation
# clean		- 	removes generated files
# run		-	serves the built documentation site for local browsing
# pdf		-	build PDF versions of the articles and books.
# html		-	build HTML versions of the articles and books for
#			offline use.
#			If variable DOC_HTML_ARCHIVE is set, all documents will be
#			archived/compressed, and only these files will be kept in the public
#			directory.
# epub		-	build EPUB versions of the articles and books (Experimental).
# The run target uses hugo's built-in webserver to make the documentation site
# available for local browsing.  The documentation should have been built prior
# to attempting to use the `run` target.  By default, hugo will start its
# webserver on port 1313.

MAINTAINER=[email protected] (1)

# List of languages without book translations
ARTICLEONLY_LANGS=	bn-bd da ko tr
# List of languages without article translations

# List of all languages we have content for
ALL_LANGUAGES=	bn-bd da de el en es fr hu it ja ko mn nl pl pt-br ru tr zh-cn zh-tw (2)

LOCALBASE?=	/usr/local

RUBY_CMD =	${LOCALBASE}/bin/ruby (3)
HUGO_CMD =	${LOCALBASE}/bin/hugo (4)
HUGO_ARGS?=	--verbose --minify
HUGO_OFFLINE_ARGS?= 	--environment offline --verbose --minify
ASCIIDOCTORPDF_CMD=	${LOCALBASE}/bin/asciidoctor-pdf

.if defined(DOC_LANG) && !empty(DOC_LANG)
.if  ${LANGUAGES:Men} == "" && ${.TARGETS:Mpdf*} == "" && ${.TARGETS:Mhtml*} == ""
.warning "Warning: cannot skip 'en'; adding it back"

RUBYLIB =	../shared/lib
.export	RUBYLIB

		${LOCALBASE}/bin/asciidoctor \

.ifndef HOSTNAME
.  ifdef BIND
.  else
.  endif

# Strip the languages with only articles from the list of languages we
#  will use to build books.

# Strip the languages with only books from the list of languages we
#  will use to build articles.
.for a in ${BOOKONLY_LANGS}

# Take the list of all languages, and take out the ones we have been
#   asked for.  We'll feed this to hugo.
.for a in ${ALL_LANGUAGES}
.if  ${LANGUAGES:M${a}} == ""
SKIP_LANGS+=    ${a}

.ORDER: all run (5)

.ORDER: requirements (6)
.ORDER: starting-message
.ORDER: starting-message build
.ORDER: build

all: requirements starting-message generate-pgpkeys-txt build
run: requirements starting-message generate-pgpkeys-txt run-local

# clean does not call pdf-clean as that is a subset of hugo-clean
clean: hugo-clean pgp-clean

.for dep in ${RUN_DEPENDS}
.if !exists(${dep})
	@(echo ${dep} not found, please run 'pkg install docproj'; exit 1)

.if !exists(${LOCALBASE}/bin/asciidoctor-pdf)
	@(echo ${LOCALBASE}/bin/asciidoctor-pdf not found, please run 'pkg install rubygem-asciidoctor-pdf'; exit 1)

.if !exists(${LOCALBASE}/bin/asciidoctor-epub3)
	@(echo ${LOCALBASE}/bin/asciidoctor-epub3 not found, please run 'pkg install rubygem-asciidoctor-epub3'; exit 1)

starting-message: .PHONY (7)
	@echo ---------------------------------------------------------------
	@echo                   Building the documentation
	@echo  included languages: ${LANGUAGES}
	@echo  excluded languages: ${SKIP_LANGS}
	@echo ---------------------------------------------------------------

generate-pgpkeys-txt: static/pgpkeys/pgpkeys.txt

static/pgpkeys/pgpkeys.txt: static/pgpkeys/*key
	${RUBY_CMD} ./tools/global-pgpkeys-creator.rb

run-local: .PHONY (8)
		${HUGO_ARGS} -D $(BIND:D--bind=$(BIND)) --baseURL="http://$(.HOST):1313"

build: .PHONY (9)

build-offline: .PHONY

pgp-clean: .PHONY
	rm -f static/pgpkeys/pgpkeys.txt

hugo-clean: .PHONY
	rm -rf resources public

# PDF targets
# Use DOC_LANG to choose the language, e.g., make DOC_LANG="en fr" pdf-books
pdf: pdf-articles pdf-books

pdf-books: requirements-pdf
.for _lang in ${BOOK_LANGS}
	./tools/asciidoctor.sh books ${_lang} pdf

pdf-articles: requirements-pdf
.for _lang in ${ARTICLE_LANGS}
	./tools/asciidoctor.sh articles ${_lang} pdf

pdf-clean: pdf-articles-clean pdf-books-clean

.for _lang in ${BOOK_LANGS}
	rm -fr ${.CURDIR}/public/${_lang}/books
	-rmdir ${.CURDIR}/public/${_lang}
	-rmdir ${.CURDIR}/public/

.for _lang in ${ARTICLE_LANGS}
	rm -fr ${.CURDIR}/public/${_lang}/articles
.if !exists(${.CURDIR}/public/${_lang}/books)
	rm -fr ${.CURDIR}/public/${_lang}
	-rmdir ${.CURDIR}/public

# HTML targets
html: build-offline html-clean-global html-clean-articles html-clean-books html-archive html-archive-clean-files

html-clean: hugo-clean

	rm -fr ${.CURDIR}/public/index.html
	rm -rf pgpkeys js

.for _lang in ${ARTICLE_LANGS}
	rm -fr ${.CURDIR}/public/${_lang}/index.html
	rm -fr ${.CURDIR}/public/${_lang}/articles/index.html

.for _lang in ${BOOK_LANGS}
	rm -fr ${.CURDIR}/public/${_lang}/books/index.html

.if defined(DOC_HTML_ARCHIVE)
.for _lang in ${ARTICLE_LANGS}
	./tools/asciidoctor.sh articles ${_lang} archive
.for _lang in ${BOOK_LANGS}
	./tools/asciidoctor.sh books ${_lang} archive

.if defined(DOC_HTML_ARCHIVE)
	find ${.CURDIR}/public/ ! -name '*.pdf' ! -name '*.tar.gz' -type f -delete
	find ${.CURDIR}/public/ -type d -empty -delete

# EPUB targets
# Use DOC_LANG to choose the language, e.g., make DOC_LANG="en fr" epub-books
epub: epub-articles epub-books

epub-books: requirements-epub
	@echo ---------------------------------------------------------------
	@echo !!! EPUB output is experimental !!!
	@echo Asciidoctor EPUB3 is currently alpha software. Use accordingly. Although the
	@echo bulk of AsciiDoc content is converted, there’s still work needed to fill in
	@echo gaps where conversion is incomplete or unstyled.
	@echo https://docs.asciidoctor.org/epub3-converter/latest/#project-status
	@echo ---------------------------------------------------------------
.for _lang in ${BOOK_LANGS}
	./tools/asciidoctor.sh books ${_lang} epub

epub-articles: requirements-epub
	@echo ---------------------------------------------------------------
	@echo !!! EPUB output is experimental !!!
	@echo Asciidoctor EPUB3 is currently alpha software. Use accordingly. Although the
	@echo bulk of AsciiDoc content is converted, there’s still work needed to fill in
	@echo gaps where conversion is incomplete or unstyled.
	@echo https://docs.asciidoctor.org/epub3-converter/latest/#project-status
	@echo ---------------------------------------------------------------
.for _lang in ${ARTICLE_LANGS}
	./tools/asciidoctor.sh articles ${_lang} epub

epub-clean: epub-articles-clean epub-books-clean

.for _lang in ${BOOK_LANGS}
	rm -fr ${.CURDIR}/public/${_lang}/books
	-rmdir ${.CURDIR}/public/${_lang}
	-rmdir ${.CURDIR}/public/

.for _lang in ${ARTICLE_LANGS}
	rm -fr ${.CURDIR}/public/${_lang}/articles
.if !exists(${.CURDIR}/public/${_lang}/books)
	rm -fr ${.CURDIR}/public/${_lang}
	-rmdir ${.CURDIR}/public
1MAINTAINER 标志指定此 Makefile 的维护者。
2ALL_LANGUAGES 标志指定必须生成目录的语言。
3RUBY_CMD 标志指定 Ruby 二进制文件的路径。
4HUGO_CMD 标志指定 Hugo 二进制文件的路径。
5.ORDER 指令用于确保多个 make 作业可以无问题地运行。
6all 目标构建文档并将结果放入 ~/doc/documentation/public 中。
7starting-message 在 CLI 中显示一条消息,以向用户显示进程正在运行。
8run-local 在 1313 端口上运行 hugo web 服务器,如果该端口已被使用,则运行随机的空闲端口。
9build 构建文档并将结果放入 ~/doc/documentation/public 中。

5.3.2. 网站 Makefile

Makefile 采用以下形式

# Generate the FreeBSD website
# Copyright (c) 2020-2021, The FreeBSD Documentation Project
# Copyright (c) 2020-2021, Sergio Carlavilla <[email protected]>
# Targets intended for use on the command line
# all (default)	-	generate the releases.toml and compile all the website
# run	-			serves the built website for local browsing
# The run target uses hugo's built-in webserver to make the built website
# available for local browsing.  The website should have been built prior
# to attempting to use the `run` target.  By default, hugo will start its
# webserver on port 1313.

MAINTAINER=[email protected] (1)

# List of all languages we have content for
ALL_LANGUAGES=	de el en es fr hu it ja nl ru tr zh-cn zh-tw

LOCALBASE?=	/usr/local

RUBY_CMD =	${LOCALBASE}/bin/ruby (2)
HUGO_CMD =	${LOCALBASE}/bin/hugo (3)
HUGO_ARGS?=	--verbose
RUBYLIB =	../shared/lib
.export	RUBYLIB

.ifndef HOSTNAME
.  ifdef BIND
.  else
.  endif

.if defined(DOC_LANG) && !empty(DOC_LANG)
LANGUAGES=      ${DOC_LANG:S/,/ /g}
.if  ${LANGUAGES:Men} == ""
.warning "Warning: cannot skip 'en'; adding it back"

# Take the list of all languages, and take out the ones we have been
#   asked for via DOC_LANG.  We'll feed this to hugo.
.for a in ${ALL_LANGUAGES}
.if ${LANGUAGES:M${a}} == ""

.ORDER: all run (4)

.ORDER: starting-message generate-releases
.ORDER: starting-message build
.ORDER: generate-releases build
.ORDER: build post-build
.ORDER: post-build end-message

all: starting-message generate-releases build post-build end-message (5)
run: starting-message generate-releases run-local
clean: hugo-clean releases-clean

starting-message: .PHONY (6)
	@echo "---------------------------------------------------------------"
	@echo "Building the website started on $$(date)"
	@echo " included languages: ${LANGUAGES}"
	@echo " excluded languages: ${SKIP_LANGS}"
	@echo "---------------------------------------------------------------"

end-message: .PHONY
	@echo "---------------------------------------------------------------"
	@echo "Building the website completed on $$(date)"
	@echo "---------------------------------------------------------------"

generate-releases: data/releases.toml (7)

	${RUBY_CMD} ./tools/releases-toml.rb

run-local: .PHONY (8)
	    ${HUGO_ARGS} -D $(BIND:D--bind=$(BIND)) --baseURL="http://$(.HOST):1313"

build: .PHONY (9)

post-build: cgi-permissions

	@chmod 555 ./public/cgi/*.cgi

	rm -fr public resources

	rm -f data/releases.toml
1MAINTAINER 标志指定此 Makefile 的维护者。
2RUBY_CMD 标志指定 Ruby 二进制文件的路径。
3HUGO_CMD 标志指定 Hugo 二进制文件的路径。
4.ORDER 指令用于确保多个 make 作业可以无问题地运行。
5all 目标构建网站并将结果放入 ~/doc/website/public 中。
6starting-message 在 CLI 中显示一条消息,以向用户显示进程正在运行。
7generate-releases 调用用于将 AsciiDoc 变量转换为 TOML 变量的脚本。通过此转换,可以在 AsciiDoc 和 Hugo 自定义模板中使用 releases 变量。
8run-local 在 1313 端口上运行 hugo web 服务器,如果该端口已被使用,则运行随机的空闲端口。
9build 构建网站并将结果放入 ~/doc/website/public 中。

上次修改时间:2024 年 3 月 9 日,作者 Danilo G. Baio