% cd ~/doc/documentation
% make
第 5 章. FreeBSD 文档构建流程
本章介绍文档构建流程的组织方式以及如何使用 make(1) 来控制它。
5.1. 将 AsciiDoc 渲染成输出
可以从单个 AsciiDoc 源文件生成不同类型的输出。
格式 | 文件类型 | 描述 |
| HTML | 一个 |
| 便携式文档格式。 | |
| EPUB | 电子出版物。ePub 文件格式。 |
5.1.1. 渲染到 html
要将文档和网站渲染到 html
示例 1. 构建文档
示例 2. 构建网站
% cd ~/doc/website
% make
示例 3. 构建整个文档项目
% cd ~/doc
% make -j2
示例 4. 使用详细和调试消息构建英语和西班牙语文档
% cd ~/doc/documentation
% make DOC_LANG="en es" HUGO_ARGS="--verbose --debug"
示例 5. 使用 Hugo 的内部 Web 服务器构建和提供内容
% cd ~/doc/documentation
% make run
此 Web 服务器默认在 localhost
的 1313
要使用 Hugo 的内部 Web 服务器提供内容并绑定特定的 IP 地址和端口
% make run BIND= HUGO_ARGS="-p 8080"
还可以将 主机名
设置为 Hugo 内部 Web 服务器的基本 URL
% make run BIND= HOSTNAME=example.com
示例 6. 构建用于离线使用的 html 文档
% cd ~/doc/documentation
% make html
要压缩 html 输出,请添加 DOC_HTML_ARCHIVE=1
% cd ~/doc/documentation
% DOC_HTML_ARCHIVE=1 make html
5.1.2. 渲染到 pdf
要将文档渲染到 pdf
示例 7. 构建所有 pdf 文档
% cd ~/doc/documentation
% make pdf
示例 8. 构建所有 pdf 文章
% cd ~/doc/documentation
% make pdf-articles
示例 9. 构建所有 pdf 图书
% cd ~/doc/documentation
% make pdf-books
示例 10. 为特定语言构建 pdf 文档
% cd ~/doc/documentation
% make DOC_LANG="en" pdf
这将构建所有英语 pdf 文档。
% cd ~/doc/documentation
% make DOC_LANG="en fr" pdf-books
这将构建所有英语和法语 pdf 图书。
5.2. FreeBSD 文档构建工具集
这些是用于构建和安装 FDP 文档的工具。
主要构建工具是 make(1),特别是 Berkeley Make。
5.3. 了解文档树中的 Makefile
有三个 Makefile 文件用于构建部分或全部文档项目。
documentation 目录中的 Makefile 将只构建文档。
website 目录中的 Makefile 将只构建网站。
树顶部的 Makefile 将构建文档和网站。
出现在子目录中的 Makefile 也支持 make run
以使用 Hugo 的内部 Web 服务器提供构建的内容。此 Web 服务器默认在 1313 端口上运行。
5.3.1. 文档 Makefile
此 Makefile 采用以下形式
# Generate the FreeBSD documentation
# Copyright (c) 2020-2021, The FreeBSD Documentation Project
# Copyright (c) 2020-2021, Sergio Carlavilla <[email protected]>
# Targets intended for use on the command line
# all (default) - generate the books TOC and compile all the documentation
# clean - removes generated files
# run - serves the built documentation site for local browsing
# pdf - build PDF versions of the articles and books.
# html - build HTML versions of the articles and books for
# offline use.
# If variable DOC_HTML_ARCHIVE is set, all documents will be
# archived/compressed, and only these files will be kept in the public
# directory.
# epub - build EPUB versions of the articles and books (Experimental).
# The run target uses hugo's built-in webserver to make the documentation site
# available for local browsing. The documentation should have been built prior
# to attempting to use the `run` target. By default, hugo will start its
# webserver on port 1313.
MAINTAINER=[email protected] (1)
# List of languages without book translations
ARTICLEONLY_LANGS= bn-bd da ko tr
# List of languages without article translations
# List of all languages we have content for
ALL_LANGUAGES= bn-bd da de el en es fr hu it ja ko mn nl pl pt-br ru tr zh-cn zh-tw (2)
LOCALBASE?= /usr/local
RUBY_CMD = ${LOCALBASE}/bin/ruby (3)
HUGO_CMD = ${LOCALBASE}/bin/hugo (4)
HUGO_ARGS?= --verbose --minify
HUGO_OFFLINE_ARGS?= --environment offline --verbose --minify
ASCIIDOCTORPDF_CMD= ${LOCALBASE}/bin/asciidoctor-pdf
.if defined(DOC_LANG) && !empty(DOC_LANG)
.if ${LANGUAGES:Men} == "" && ${.TARGETS:Mpdf*} == "" && ${.TARGETS:Mhtml*} == ""
.warning "Warning: cannot skip 'en'; adding it back"
RUBYLIB = ../shared/lib
.export RUBYLIB
${LOCALBASE}/bin/asciidoctor \
.ifndef HOSTNAME
. ifdef BIND
. else
. endif
# Strip the languages with only articles from the list of languages we
# will use to build books.
# Strip the languages with only books from the list of languages we
# will use to build articles.
.for a in ${BOOKONLY_LANGS}
# Take the list of all languages, and take out the ones we have been
# asked for. We'll feed this to hugo.
.for a in ${ALL_LANGUAGES}
.if ${LANGUAGES:M${a}} == ""
.ORDER: all run (5)
.ORDER: requirements (6)
.ORDER: starting-message
.ORDER: starting-message build
.ORDER: build
all: requirements starting-message generate-pgpkeys-txt build
run: requirements starting-message generate-pgpkeys-txt run-local
# clean does not call pdf-clean as that is a subset of hugo-clean
clean: hugo-clean pgp-clean
.for dep in ${RUN_DEPENDS}
.if !exists(${dep})
@(echo ${dep} not found, please run 'pkg install docproj'; exit 1)
.if !exists(${LOCALBASE}/bin/asciidoctor-pdf)
@(echo ${LOCALBASE}/bin/asciidoctor-pdf not found, please run 'pkg install rubygem-asciidoctor-pdf'; exit 1)
.if !exists(${LOCALBASE}/bin/asciidoctor-epub3)
@(echo ${LOCALBASE}/bin/asciidoctor-epub3 not found, please run 'pkg install rubygem-asciidoctor-epub3'; exit 1)
starting-message: .PHONY (7)
@echo ---------------------------------------------------------------
@echo Building the documentation
@echo included languages: ${LANGUAGES}
@echo excluded languages: ${SKIP_LANGS}
@echo ---------------------------------------------------------------
generate-pgpkeys-txt: static/pgpkeys/pgpkeys.txt
static/pgpkeys/pgpkeys.txt: static/pgpkeys/*key
${RUBY_CMD} ./tools/global-pgpkeys-creator.rb
run-local: .PHONY (8)
${HUGO_ARGS} -D $(BIND:D--bind=$(BIND)) --baseURL="http://$(.HOST):1313"
build: .PHONY (9)
build-offline: .PHONY
pgp-clean: .PHONY
rm -f static/pgpkeys/pgpkeys.txt
hugo-clean: .PHONY
rm -rf resources public
# PDF targets
# Use DOC_LANG to choose the language, e.g., make DOC_LANG="en fr" pdf-books
pdf: pdf-articles pdf-books
pdf-books: requirements-pdf
.for _lang in ${BOOK_LANGS}
./tools/asciidoctor.sh books ${_lang} pdf
pdf-articles: requirements-pdf
.for _lang in ${ARTICLE_LANGS}
./tools/asciidoctor.sh articles ${_lang} pdf
pdf-clean: pdf-articles-clean pdf-books-clean
.for _lang in ${BOOK_LANGS}
rm -fr ${.CURDIR}/public/${_lang}/books
-rmdir ${.CURDIR}/public/${_lang}
-rmdir ${.CURDIR}/public/
.for _lang in ${ARTICLE_LANGS}
rm -fr ${.CURDIR}/public/${_lang}/articles
.if !exists(${.CURDIR}/public/${_lang}/books)
rm -fr ${.CURDIR}/public/${_lang}
-rmdir ${.CURDIR}/public
# HTML targets
html: build-offline html-clean-global html-clean-articles html-clean-books html-archive html-archive-clean-files
html-clean: hugo-clean
rm -fr ${.CURDIR}/public/index.html
rm -rf pgpkeys js
.for _lang in ${ARTICLE_LANGS}
rm -fr ${.CURDIR}/public/${_lang}/index.html
rm -fr ${.CURDIR}/public/${_lang}/articles/index.html
.for _lang in ${BOOK_LANGS}
rm -fr ${.CURDIR}/public/${_lang}/books/index.html
.if defined(DOC_HTML_ARCHIVE)
.for _lang in ${ARTICLE_LANGS}
./tools/asciidoctor.sh articles ${_lang} archive
.for _lang in ${BOOK_LANGS}
./tools/asciidoctor.sh books ${_lang} archive
.if defined(DOC_HTML_ARCHIVE)
find ${.CURDIR}/public/ ! -name '*.pdf' ! -name '*.tar.gz' -type f -delete
find ${.CURDIR}/public/ -type d -empty -delete
# EPUB targets
# Use DOC_LANG to choose the language, e.g., make DOC_LANG="en fr" epub-books
epub: epub-articles epub-books
epub-books: requirements-epub
@echo ---------------------------------------------------------------
@echo !!! EPUB output is experimental !!!
@echo Asciidoctor EPUB3 is currently alpha software. Use accordingly. Although the
@echo bulk of AsciiDoc content is converted, there’s still work needed to fill in
@echo gaps where conversion is incomplete or unstyled.
@echo https://docs.asciidoctor.org/epub3-converter/latest/#project-status
@echo ---------------------------------------------------------------
.for _lang in ${BOOK_LANGS}
./tools/asciidoctor.sh books ${_lang} epub
epub-articles: requirements-epub
@echo ---------------------------------------------------------------
@echo !!! EPUB output is experimental !!!
@echo Asciidoctor EPUB3 is currently alpha software. Use accordingly. Although the
@echo bulk of AsciiDoc content is converted, there’s still work needed to fill in
@echo gaps where conversion is incomplete or unstyled.
@echo https://docs.asciidoctor.org/epub3-converter/latest/#project-status
@echo ---------------------------------------------------------------
.for _lang in ${ARTICLE_LANGS}
./tools/asciidoctor.sh articles ${_lang} epub
epub-clean: epub-articles-clean epub-books-clean
.for _lang in ${BOOK_LANGS}
rm -fr ${.CURDIR}/public/${_lang}/books
-rmdir ${.CURDIR}/public/${_lang}
-rmdir ${.CURDIR}/public/
.for _lang in ${ARTICLE_LANGS}
rm -fr ${.CURDIR}/public/${_lang}/articles
.if !exists(${.CURDIR}/public/${_lang}/books)
rm -fr ${.CURDIR}/public/${_lang}
-rmdir ${.CURDIR}/public
1 | MAINTAINER 标志指定此 Makefile 的维护者。 |
2 | ALL_LANGUAGES 标志指定必须生成目录的语言。 |
3 | RUBY_CMD 标志指定 Ruby 二进制文件的路径。 |
4 | HUGO_CMD 标志指定 Hugo 二进制文件的路径。 |
5 | .ORDER 指令用于确保多个 make 作业可以无问题地运行。 |
6 | all 目标构建文档并将结果放入 ~/doc/documentation/public 中。 |
7 | starting-message 在 CLI 中显示一条消息,以向用户显示进程正在运行。 |
8 | run-local 在 1313 端口上运行 hugo web 服务器,如果该端口已被使用,则运行随机的空闲端口。 |
9 | build 构建文档并将结果放入 ~/doc/documentation/public 中。 |
5.3.2. 网站 Makefile
此 Makefile 采用以下形式
# Generate the FreeBSD website
# Copyright (c) 2020-2021, The FreeBSD Documentation Project
# Copyright (c) 2020-2021, Sergio Carlavilla <[email protected]>
# Targets intended for use on the command line
# all (default) - generate the releases.toml and compile all the website
# run - serves the built website for local browsing
# The run target uses hugo's built-in webserver to make the built website
# available for local browsing. The website should have been built prior
# to attempting to use the `run` target. By default, hugo will start its
# webserver on port 1313.
MAINTAINER=[email protected] (1)
# List of all languages we have content for
ALL_LANGUAGES= de el en es fr hu it ja nl ru tr zh-cn zh-tw
LOCALBASE?= /usr/local
RUBY_CMD = ${LOCALBASE}/bin/ruby (2)
HUGO_CMD = ${LOCALBASE}/bin/hugo (3)
HUGO_ARGS?= --verbose
RUBYLIB = ../shared/lib
.export RUBYLIB
.ifndef HOSTNAME
. ifdef BIND
. else
. endif
.if defined(DOC_LANG) && !empty(DOC_LANG)
.if ${LANGUAGES:Men} == ""
.warning "Warning: cannot skip 'en'; adding it back"
# Take the list of all languages, and take out the ones we have been
# asked for via DOC_LANG. We'll feed this to hugo.
.for a in ${ALL_LANGUAGES}
.if ${LANGUAGES:M${a}} == ""
.ORDER: all run (4)
.ORDER: starting-message generate-releases
.ORDER: starting-message build
.ORDER: generate-releases build
.ORDER: build post-build
.ORDER: post-build end-message
all: starting-message generate-releases build post-build end-message (5)
run: starting-message generate-releases run-local
clean: hugo-clean releases-clean
starting-message: .PHONY (6)
@echo "---------------------------------------------------------------"
@echo "Building the website started on $$(date)"
@echo " included languages: ${LANGUAGES}"
@echo " excluded languages: ${SKIP_LANGS}"
@echo "---------------------------------------------------------------"
end-message: .PHONY
@echo "---------------------------------------------------------------"
@echo "Building the website completed on $$(date)"
@echo "---------------------------------------------------------------"
generate-releases: data/releases.toml (7)
${RUBY_CMD} ./tools/releases-toml.rb
run-local: .PHONY (8)
${HUGO_ARGS} -D $(BIND:D--bind=$(BIND)) --baseURL="http://$(.HOST):1313"
build: .PHONY (9)
post-build: cgi-permissions
@chmod 555 ./public/cgi/*.cgi
rm -fr public resources
rm -f data/releases.toml
1 | MAINTAINER 标志指定此 Makefile 的维护者。 |
2 | RUBY_CMD 标志指定 Ruby 二进制文件的路径。 |
3 | HUGO_CMD 标志指定 Hugo 二进制文件的路径。 |
4 | .ORDER 指令用于确保多个 make 作业可以无问题地运行。 |
5 | all 目标构建网站并将结果放入 ~/doc/website/public 中。 |
6 | starting-message 在 CLI 中显示一条消息,以向用户显示进程正在运行。 |
7 | generate-releases 调用用于将 AsciiDoc 变量转换为 TOML 变量的脚本。通过此转换,可以在 AsciiDoc 和 Hugo 自定义模板中使用 releases 变量。 |
8 | run-local 在 1313 端口上运行 hugo web 服务器,如果该端口已被使用,则运行随机的空闲端口。 |
9 | build 构建网站并将结果放入 ~/doc/website/public 中。 |
上次修改时间:2024 年 3 月 9 日,作者 Danilo G. Baio